Classic Vector Lists

Common Floating point numbers

These are the lists that come with the Vector Engine by default.

  • Extended : -65536.00 to +65536.00 in low res, including tiny decimals

  • Extended+ : 0 to +65536 in low res, including tiny decimals

  • Extended- : 0 to -65536 in low res, including tiny decimals

  • One: The numbers +1.00 and -1.00

  • One-: The number -1.00

  • One+: The number 1.00

  • SuperExtended_Wholes: -65536.00 to +65536.00 in high res, integral numbers and large numbers

  • Tiny: tiny decimals between -1.00 and +1.00

  • Two+: The number +2.00

  • Whole: -65536.00 to +65536.00 in low res, integral numbers

  • Whole+: 0 to +65536.00 in low res, integral numbers

You can add your own lists using the List Generator Tool or by downloading them with the Package Manager

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